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Pitzer Snodgrass logo in white

Toxic Torts

Designed to protect the greater good, environmental laws can sometimes be unfairly enforced or subject to public pressure from watchdog groups.

All businesses are subject to state and federal environmental regulations. Our lawyers can help companies and individuals operate fairly within these laws to avoid criminal and civil penalties, liability for health claims and cleanup costs and general public image problems.

Our Toxic Torts practice group handles claims related to pollution or exposure to chemical substances such as pesticides, lead, cleaners, asbestos and industrial chemicals. Our lawyers are experienced in protecting clients from the claims of those who seek to enrich themselves through allegations of toxic exposure and have successfully challenged the validity of many such claims.  In cases where people are legitimately exposed to toxic chemicals from pharmaceuticals, consumer products, the environment, or other occupational hazards, our attorneys help clients devise the best strategies for dealing with unfortunate situations.

Toxic Torts Attorneys

J. Phillip Bryant


Andrew Corkery


Peter Dunne